Tech Jobs in Islington

Islington, a vibrant borough in London, offers numerous opportunities for tech professionals. The area's appeal is enhanced by competitive salaries, excellent public transport links, and reasonable air quality.

Salary Information

  • 2022 Average Salary: £56,623
  • 2023 Average Salary: £57,247
  • 2022 Median Salary: £45,290
  • 2023 Median Salary: £48,334

Note: These figures represent average salaries across industries in Islington, not just tech-specific roles.

Public Transport Accessibility

Islington boasts a PTAL (Public Transport Accessibility Level) of 6a, indicating excellent accessibility by public transport. This high PTAL score means that residents and workers in Islington enjoy frequent and varied public transport options, making commutes to tech jobs in the area efficient and convenient. For job seekers, this translates to a broader range of potential employers and a more manageable work-life balance.

Air Quality

The average background concentration of air pollutants in Islington is 19.8 μg/m³. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended average background concentration for air pollutants is 10 μg/m³. While Islington's air quality exceeds WHO guidelines, it is still considerably better compared to many urban areas. This is an important consideration for those looking for tech jobs, as healthier living conditions can contribute to overall job satisfaction and productivity.

Population and Housing

Islington's population stands at 247,841, creating a diverse and dynamic community. The average rent in 2023 is £2,340 per month. While this may seem high, it is consistent with the broader London rental market. For tech professionals, Islington offers a lively environment with plenty of amenities, making it an attractive place to live and work.

Tech Jobs London

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