Tech Jobs in Harrow

Harrow is an appealing area for tech professionals, offering various job opportunities and a balanced lifestyle.

Salaries in Harrow

The following are average and median salaries across all industries in Harrow:

  • Average Salary 2022: £38,293
  • Median Salary 2022: £33,466

These figures are indicative of the general economic conditions in Harrow, providing a useful benchmark for tech job seekers evaluating potential earnings.

Air Quality in Harrow

The average background concentration of air pollutants in Harrow is 14.1 μg/m³. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended average should not exceed 10 μg/m³. This means Harrow's air quality is slightly above the WHO's guidelines, which is an important consideration for those prioritizing health and well-being in their job search.

Public Transport Accessibility

Harrow's Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) is rated 2. PTAL scores range from 1 to 6, with higher numbers indicating better access to public transport. A score of 2 suggests that while there are some public transport options, they may not be as frequent or comprehensive as in other areas of London. For tech professionals, especially those relying on public transport for commuting, this could be a significant factor in their job search.

Population and Housing

Harrow has a population of 268,448. This population size indicates a well-established community, which can be beneficial for networking and finding tech meetups or industry events.

The average rent in Harrow for 2023 is £1,612. This rental price is relatively moderate compared to other London boroughs, making it an attractive option for tech professionals seeking affordable living arrangements.

Key Takeaways for Tech Job Seekers

  • Competitive Salaries: With average and median salaries providing a solid foundation, tech professionals can expect reasonable compensation.
  • Air Quality Considerations: While slightly above WHO guidelines, the air quality in Harrow is better than in many urban centers.
  • Transport Accessibility: PTAL rating of 2 may require careful consideration of commuting plans.
  • Community and Costs: A sizeable population and moderate rent prices make Harrow a balanced choice for tech professionals.

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